The Brain Tumour Charity is at the forefront of the fight to defeat brain tumours, making a difference every day to the lives of people with a brain tumour and their families.
The Brain Tumour Charity is committed to having the biggest possible impact for everyone affected by a brain tumour, to defending the most amazing part of the human body, so that the diagnosis of a brain tumour is no longer a death sentence.
It fights brain tumours on all fronts through research, awareness and support to save lives and improve quality of life including:
- Funding pioneering research to find new treatments, improving understanding, increasing survival rates and bringing us closer to a cure.
- Raising awareness of the symptoms and effects of brain tumours, to reduce diagnosis times and make a difference every day to the lives of people with a brain tumour and their families.
- Providing support and information for anyone affected to improve quality of life.
People affected by brain tumours and their families can find out more and get support from the Support and Information team. This includes phone support groups, support groups and Facebook support groups and a Facebook group for carers.
The Support and Information line is open Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm on 0808 800 0004 or email:
There is a financial and welfare benefits clinic on a Tuesday afternoon from 12.30 – 4pm. contact the support and informaton line to book an appointment.
The Brain Tumour Charity website has a range of information and factsheets including information on symptoms, getting a diagnosis, adult brain tumour types, child brain tumour types, treating brain tumours, living with a brain tumour and much more.