brainstrust works across the UK helping brain tumour patients and carers to become involved and engaged in their care so that they can take control and be confident that they are working towards the best possible outcome for their situation.
All of brainstrust’s support services have been designed by brain tumour patients and carers. We answer specific questions quickly and concisely over the phone and by email – day and night. We help patients and carers pull together a broader, longer term programme of care themselves, by using our unique set of coaching skills.
brainstrust’s ethos revolves around empowering patients and their carers and creating a supportive community for those affected where they can interact as much, or as little, as they need.
The brainstrust website provides a range of clinically approved, Information Standard accredited content and the Brain Tumour Hub is the only UK database of brain tumour support services.
brainstrust offers a range of resources to help patients and carers get back on top of things. These the ‘little brainstrust‘ website, the home of our support for children.
Contact and for more helpĀ
The 24/7 helpline is available on 01983 292405 or