Headway provides support, services and information to brain injury survivors, their families and carers as well as professionals.
Headway UK is an umbrella organisation (with offices in Nottingham, London and Scotland) with a network of affiliated Headway groups that run Headway centres (run by staff) and Headway branches (run by volunteers) throughout the UK. You can find a list of the branches in Yorkshire and Humberside, including contact details on the Headway website.
The organisation offers information and support to people with brain injuries, their families and carers through a national helpline (freephone 0808 800 2244), producing numerous publications, factsheets and a quarterly magazine. Further details of services are available online on the Headway website.
Headway provides both in-house and open training courses including:
- Understanding brain injury
- Cognitive rehabilitation
- Sex and sexuality following brain injury
- Communication difficulties
- Challenging behaviour
For more information about training courses and the Headway Certificate in Brain Injury Studies visit the training pages of the Headway website.
For information about and to discuss the work of Headway in Yorkshire and Humberside, please contact Sam Clarke on services.coordinator@headway.org.uk or call: 0115 924 0800.